Mari Miyatake You haven't heard? Big heroic save by EJ... but me thinks the orchestrated fanfare is a might suspicious in itself.
Keri LaMar I heard about the EJ rescue, but only a few minutes ago learned the details that are being shared. As I said in another post, I hate rumors, so I hope some truth to all of this transpires soon, whether it's what's been stated in the article or something else. I wasn't friends with Susan but knew other rescuers who thought very highly of her. Very tragic ... And if it is true, it's yet another reminder that we can't just send dogs anywhere; we owe it to them to do our due diligence and check out the places ourselves.
Mari Miyatake Prompted by someone else making a call, I just got off the phone with the Riverside County Sheriff. This has never been reported to them and they are only hearing of this today. The tragedy of Susan Nash's melt down and the slaughter of many of Blutopia's dogs is disturbing; but I'm finding this rescue without full disclosure almost as disturbing, and it stinks of cover-up.
Katrina Plspayurpledge Gomez I haven't the stomach to look but there are more pictures on Ej's rescue website.
Mari Miyatake As far as "truth", Keri LaMar - EJ has posted a timeline full press release (in his own words), and nowhere does he mention reporting any of this to the police; only that AC counted the animals on the property and said there were "too many".
Mari Miyatake Katrina Plspayurpledge Gomez - I know. But there's a disconnect to claiming rescuing over 40 animals and only posting 2 live dogs and a bunch of carcasses.
Katrina Plspayurpledge Gomez A FB friend of mine is assuring me they are safe...she's apparently fostering some of them.
Mari Miyatake Good news indeed. Thank you Katrina Plspayurpledge Gomez. But pictures/proof is in the pudding. There were a few "FB friends" involved in this cover up. Not sure who to trust because they are all nameless except EJ. And that makes the non-reporting to police even more disturbing.
Mari Miyatake That in essence, the situation did happened; EJ saved whatever dogs were left. That his failure to contact police allowed Susan Nash to go underground, and during the days it was unreported, many dogs died because he didn't allow anyone else to know about this or help round up the animals.
Terese Day What is the names of these loons? Tell me it's not the same Anza hellhole where my 3 came from, 4 years ago...
Mari Miyatake Blutopia Rescue, Inc. in Anza, CA (Riverside County) - Susan Nash. Highly regarded rescuer, but something went terribly, terribly and tragically wrong.
Terese Day Different rescue then. If AC saw those animals dead in that manner, it seems she would have been arrested...
Keri LaMar Her personal page seems to be removed from facebook, and I couldn't find a rescue page either.
Keri LaMar This is so upsetting, because it's just yet another reminder that we truly don't know what's going on with even our local rescuers. IF this is all true, I was completely fooled by her because she seemed to be such a reputable rescuer.
Mandy Black Omg this is horrifying!! Why was she rescuing in the first place, money? Or she lost her mind with being overwhelmed?
Mari Miyatake By all accounts, she was a GOOD RESCUER Mandy Black and Keri LaMar. She didn't "fool" anyone from what I understand. She must have had a mental break of some sort... and as Keri righteously reminds us, the causes of that break are only rumors. But the reasons don't matter at this point... at this point, she is dangerous, and EJ and friends allowed her to go underground. She is now a danger.
Taunya Huffman Mari Miyatake may I ask where the heck your getting your information from? and may I ask WHY are you making up stories? You have no idea what happened. You do not know what went on. I know for FACT, that all the dogs that were alive when EJ got on the property are SAFE!! I know for FACT, that 2 horses are alive because of EJ. I know for FACT that 3 cats are alive because of EJ. I know for FACT that 8 pitbulls, 1 small breed dog are ALIVE because of EJ. I know for FACT where each and every one of these dogs are. I know for FACT that 6 chi pups were rescued (as I have them). I know for FACT that had this gotten out prior to him getting those animals safe, THEY ALL WOULD BE DEAD!! Which by reading this thread and all of your remarks, is exactly what you would have preferred. My advice is KNOW YOUR FACTS before you make them up. I'm done here. People like this make me ill, when there are amazing people out there like EJ.....that actually save lives.
Mari Miyatake I'm not claiming any "fact" that wasn't written in Ej's story, and my own call to the Riverside Sheriff and being told this was not reported. There is nothing I've said here that insinuates that I would rather the animals would be dead - you're nuts. I am not claiming that Ej did not rescue these animals - I'm asking WHY did he let Susan go (Ej's words - she's gone); why is he asking for $ for vetting of 40 animals without showing them? People criticize others for sending dogs and giving $ blindly, but where is the consistency? I haven't claimed anything Taunya Huffman that didn't come from Ej's PRESS RELEASE. If this is all for the animals, I would think Ej would WELCOME any questions, and answer them, not block people when they ask the question.
Taunya Huffman EJ will post the pics of all the dogs as soon as he can. I also know for FACT that there is an investigation going on. I also know for FACT that AC was on the premises. There is no rouse here. There is no hiding of information. There was quiet to keep the dogs that were left safe until EJ could get them out. Ask questions before assumptions.
Taunya Huffman I have other photos but not on my phone. All of the dogs were rescued. Some in pretty bad shape.
Taunya Huffman I have 6 of the 40 dogs. Others are still at the vet. I only ask before stirring the pot. To get all ur facts straight.
Kat Trabert I second Taunya's comments. Unfortunately it is all true and a lot of people feel very deceived by Susan Nash. I truly believe that EJ has done everything humanely possible. There are several dogs who need vetting. I understand you feel apprehensive about being asked to donate without more pictures but it is all true...
Katrina Plspayurpledge Gomez I heard on the news this morning that there was a teacher arrested for animal cruelty to a bunch of snakes. It was mostly neglect not out right murder but the point is he was arrested. Had EJ involved the proper people I am positive that Susan would've been too. All Ej has done is basically contaminated A crime scene.
Katrina Plspayurpledge Gomez Sheena Lane check out this thread apparently people In the know are confirming it's true.
Mari Miyatake I did ask the questions, Taunya Huffman and got slammed for asking. One person got blocked for asking. But the question left unanswered is why was Susan given time to go missing. You say for a fact that there is an ongoing investigation but riverside sheriff doesn't (or didnt at approximately 3pm didn't?
Mari Miyatake And thank you for posting picturesTaunya Huffman... That indeed does help clear the fog.
Keri LaMar If I am reading it correctly, it sounds as though EJ didn't discover the gruesome findings until after Susan had fled the property, and her assistant shared the information with EJ. It was at that point that he found all of the evidence. If that's true, then I'm not sure if there would have been a reason for him to contact the authorities before she fled. When he was communicating directly with her, it sounded like he was just helping remove and place some of her animals ... At least that's my understanding of the sequence of events based on EJ's information provided.
Taunya Huffman Susan has not be around since this all started. She has been in hiding due to other circumstances in her life. EJ went to the property to help her as she was done with rescue and asked for his help. The first set of dogs EJ got from her (about 10 I think) seemed to be in good health. The second set about another 10 or so (maybe more) were not. EJ got worried and asked Susan if he could check on the other dogs. Well, the girl that lived on the property with Susan came forward and from that point on it was a onslaught of bad. Things were kept calm between Susan and EJ (as Susan thought he was helping her) when he was really trying to get information to prove all this was going on and also trying to keep the animals that were still on the property safe, so she wouldn't shoot them too. AC was out there and so EJ had to cut his vacation short and get all the animals off the property as AC had given susan a deadline. Fortunately, EJ (with no help) was able to get all the dogs and other animals off the property. Things had to be kept quiet so the other animals would not be killed.
Taunya Huffman The authorties were contacted, however, they told EJ that Susan is allowed to shoot her personal dogs. You have to remember in the eyes of the law, animals are no different than the sofa in the living room. If EJ couldn't prove abuse, there was nothing that could be done, as long as they were her personal property. The reason he dug up the graves was in hopes of finding a microchipped dog that did not belong to her. Alas, shewas smart and only shot the dogs without the microchips.
Taunya Huffman This is not a scam or way to get money, etc. This was an amazing rescue by EJ. There is so much more to all of this but that is the basics. One dog on the property had a broken leg that was never attended to by Susan, that dog unfortunately lost her leg. Another dog was in great health before EJ left, upon his return she had been in an obvious dog fight and she may not make it. You have to remember that none of this was done to protect Susan. It was done to protect the dogs.
Taunya Huffman That is Dot the day EJ rescued her. She may not survive. Susan told EJ not worry the dogs would be okay while he was gone. This is exactly what we were afraid of and exactly why we kept it quiet. Also, remember Susan has not been to this property in over a month.
Taunya Huffman Anyway, I hope this helps explain things. I'm exhausted and it has been a very sad week. I just wish that people would realize that EJ truly is a good man. His love for this animals is undeniable.
Keri LaMar I think there have just been many unanswered questions, and for those who don't know EJ (or Susan for that matter), it's understandable for folks to ask questions or to be concerned when there are requests for donations - especially when some of the information has been contradictory or not forthcoming. With that said, thank you, Taunya for sharing this information, and Mari, I know that everyone who knows you knows that you always have the dogs' best interest at heart and would never prefer harm to come to them. The situation is so tragic, and I'm sorry for all involved. Thank you to all on this thread ... I know many of you and I know that you are wonderful, compassionate people who will do all you can to help them, as so many others before them. xo
Mari Miyatake Taunya Huffman - based on Ej's press release, there in fact were very cloudy areas unaddressed and he blocked someone who dared ask. You on the other hand have offered up answers hours after they were asked and for that I thank you. The questions were asked to address very big holes in the press release. My asking the questions brought an accusation of wanting harm to come to dogs rather than the assumption that the questions were valid and my bèing told that the sheriff had no prior report. I didnt assume anything- I questioned it and a forthcoming answer would have layed doubts to rest. Thank you for supplying pictures and answers but I am hurt at the way you lashed out. There are still holes needing answers, but i leave them to the rest of the rescue community. if they dont care enough to ask, i will assume that the issue isnt big enough to warrant explanation to anyone but me, so That's all I'm going to say on this matter.
Roland Foskey Wow why do the job than. This person should be in jail both of them. You should call the humane society on them
Kate Moran Taunya, thank you for this information. If Susan was in hiding, was she coming back to the property to ostensibly take care of the animals? Was she making the dogs hurt/kill each other?? What happened to Susan to go from trusted rescuer to this?! I can't... even process this.
Taunya Huffman Both the police and AC were called out on this. I know in one day there were approximately 12-15 of us calling. they didn't care. The reason EJ was there in the first place because Susan was in hiding and didn't want to deal with the dogs. She asked EJ to help her. One thing lead to another and after a lot of due diligence on EJ's part to find out how much of what he was being told was true, all the information was verified. Hang on for pics of the dogs that were saved yesterday.
Leti Luna EJ and Gone to the Dogs Rescue knowingly cover up a crime and tampered with evidence about the crime to protect the heinous act. They did NOT report this to any authorities. As far as I am concerned they should be prosecuted along with both founders of Bluetopia.
Taunya Huffman This is Gremlin the decapitated Chi before she was allegedly attacked by pitbulls and killed.
Taunya Huffman Bella now Beauty with the broken leg before she had to have an amputation (at Susans)
Taunya Huffman Just a FYI to is legal to shoot you own dogs in Anza. Thus the reason the police did nothing. However, we have not given up the investigation.
Leti Luna I don't know what law school Taunya went to, but it is most certainly illegal to shoot your own dog. The law is very clear about under what circumstances one can legally harm a animal, stupidity and ignorance are not acceptable circumstances.
Mandy Black Even if it was/is "legal" to shoot a dog?!!! It's disgusting and sick and horrible! And even worse that it was orchestrated by a "rescuer". Why would she prefer to shoot them than euthanize them? Money? Witnesses? Why is any so called animal lover defending this person/situation?!!!
Kat Trabert Leti; you're making things worse for no reason except you possibly don't like the people involved. I'm sorry you feel it necessary to attack Taunya who has been trying to educate about and illuminate the situation to you. Shame on you, Leti, for being so narrowminded that you cannot accept that this was handled in the best way possible.
Leti Luna Shame on you Kat Trabert. You are not sorry and you do not know me, so watch your tongue. What I think of anyone is not the point the point is EJ did not call an authorities and just because Taunya says it is a fact doesn't make it true. Stop saying you're sorry, you're not. By the way, it is okay for you to attack me.
Kat Trabert I beg your pardon; ask any of YOUR friends; I am not a hurtful or vindictive person in the least! I will always try to make things better if I can...good luck!
Leti Luna Oh but I am hurtful or vindictive, seems you have been speaking to YOUR friends. You sure make a lot of assumptions.
Kat Trabert Mandy; no one is defending Susan Nash at all; there is absolutely nothing that she can say to anyone she was "friends" with that would make her look better to us!
Leti Luna Kat why are you so invested in defending these people? you are in Florida they are in California how do you know anything about them.
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