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Basic Info
Anza, California 92539
Detailed Info
Blutopia Rescue was founded by Susan Nash and Lara St. James for the purpose of saving the lives of death row dogs. In addition to rescue, we aim to educate the public on the overpopulation crisis that is a reality in our country today. Many people are under the false impression that blue pit bulls are unusual, but the truth is that thousands of blue pit bulls are killed in shelters every month because of overbreeding. We love and rescue all breeds of dog, but our main focus is blue pit bulls for the reasons mentioned above.
Company Overview:
Blutopia Rescue was founded by Susan Nash and Lara St. James for the purpose of saving the lives of death row dogs. In addition to rescue, we aim to educate the public on the overpopulation crisis that is a reality in our country today. Many people are under the false impression that blue pit bulls are unusual, but the truth is that thousands of blue pit bulls are killed in shelters every month because of overbreeding. We love and rescue all breeds of dog, but our main focus is blue pit bulls for the reasons mentioned above.
Contact Info
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Short Description:
Blutopia Rescue specializes in the rescue and placement of dogs, primarily blue/gray pit bulls. We rescue shelter dogs that would otherwise be killed. Blue pit bulls are no longer "rare". Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!
Die Susan Nash a painful death!